In search of members & forming a council

Dear visitors, dear fellow hams,

I would like to invite you to join newly formed non-profit organization called LARA – Liberland Amateur Radio Association, where our aim is to create society of amateur radio (hamradio) operators, techincal enthusiasts and civil defence members from all corners of the globe. Organization which is based in also quiet newly formed country of the world – Liberland, has been created out of interest of group of people who wanted to create new and more conneced worldwide community of amateur radio operators and techincal enthusiasts.

LARA and its purpose

laraPurposes of LARA are firstly to represent Liberlandian Radio Amateurs in relation to other organisations inside Liberland and abroad, to form a society where our goals are techincal educating of our members and  mutual assistance between each other based on friendly relations. Secondly our purpose is to participate in emergency & rescue operations when our assistence is needed. Thirdly to organize or co-organize activities like radio contests, tech meetings, etc.

We also seek connections with other amateur radio organizations worldwide.

LARA and Liberland
Liberland flag

LARA is based in Liberland, which goes hand in hand with amateur radio philosophy – to connect people independantly of their location. Liberland is a new country and also new nation in creation, whose people come together from different parts of the world, to create new community, which is uniquely formed and not necessarily bonded to its geographical borders. Therefore for such widespread nation there is a need to communicate on long distances, educate among ourselves about technology and science and in case of emergencies offer our support.


LARA is also connected and cooperating with LLRC – Liberland Red Cross, to form civil defence union.

Formation of council

LARA is still in process of forming it’s council, so we would also like to invite you, if you are interested, to join its council. Please contact us for further information regarding this.

LARA manager,
Gregor Kočar, 1L4K/S53SL