First 1L licences has been issued!

It’s a pleasure to announce that first Liberland Amateur Radio licences has been issued to our 29 members. Congratulations to all and may your new callsigns serve you well.

As you probably know Liberland is still not fully recognized among other countries and isn’t member of ITU – International Telecommunication Union. Despite this fact our members are encouraged to follow international and local regulations that deal with radio communications. In order to receive a licence and with that a 1L callsign, member of LARA has to be licenced amateur radio operator in his home country or any other country, that is member of ITU. This ensures that people are already educated about technical and operational skills and knowledge that is needed in order to operate amateur radio station.

Liberland Amateur Radio licence is linked to existing amateur radio licence that operator already have, giving them 1L callsign and right to operate from Free Republic of Liberland.  Liberland Amateur Radio licence is only valid with presence of reference licence (previously existing one).

LARA provides Callbook where you can query 1L callsigns and check what is operator’s reference callsign. No other personal information is publicly available through callbook to preserve privacy of our members.

Liberland Amateur Radio licences are equipped with QR code that links to web service ( where  authenticity and validity of licence can be checked.

Licencees are encouraged to respect regulations and ham spirit while operating on the band.

Gregor Kočar, 1L4K
LARA manager